Welcome to the Club


Supercharge your career by applying to be a “MIND SC Partner” (Limited Seats Available For a Limited Time!)

Some of the benefits of being a MIND SC Partner

Grow your business by securing new partnerships and retaining 95% of the net profit while receiving dedicated sales support from MIND SC.

Become part of the MIND SC global advisory council. Engage in discussions about products and solutions that we develop for the club.

Get full access to state of the art customizable tools and products, including the MIND SC Mental Gym, Lab, and 1:1 Mental Coaching Platform.

Use the power of joint brand: Get visibility through our brand and umbrella marketing campaigns created by MIND SC.

Together, we achieve more!

Become a Partner

Open only until the end of May 2024
  • Free access to MIND SC platform
  • Highlighted profile on MIND SC
  • Verified seal as quality practitioner
  • Free access to customizable mental gym solution
  • Free early access to beta AI-driven performance tracker
  • Access to AI exercise generator
  • Naming right as „Official Partner“ of MIND SC
  • Sales support
  • Reduced commission: Keep 95% of all earnings
  • Exclusive access to new project and product opportunities
  • One free interview-style editorial presentation on mindsc.com (produced by MIND SC)
  • One free presentation on Instagram @mindsportsclub
  • Exclusive Membership in the Global Advisory Council
Hendrik Lange, co-founder of MIND SC

We are here to answer your questions

Book a free non-binding call with Hendrik to inquire more about what do you get from being a MIND SC Partner.

Partners with

And Featured at

Handpicked World-Class Sports Psychologists and Mental Trainers

MIND SC club members are world-class sports psychologists and mental coaches with centuries of experience combined. Our rigorous vetting mechanism ensures we are always associated with the highest quality and utmost professionalism.

Frequently Asked Questions

MIND SC stands as the world’s pioneering mental sports club, fostering an inclusive ecosystem for athletes, sports psychologists, coaches, clubs, federations, and enthusiasts to revolutionize mental performance training across all levels of sports.

Partners gain access to cutting-edge tools like the MIND SC Mental Gym, Academy, and 1:1 Mental Coaching Platform, while also enjoying exclusive sales support, networking opportunities, and membership in the Global Advisory Council.

Partners enjoy a growing network of athletes and clubs, access to a wealth of resources including animated exercises and SEO assets, and enrollment in the MIND SC academy. Additionally, you'll be featured in global projects, and receive a reduced administrative fee, Plus, you'll retain 95% of your net profit and enjoy perks like a 20% discount on investment rounds.

Not necessarily. MIND SC seeks top-notch sports psychologists and other individuals with a specific skill set and entrepreneurial spirit, welcoming practitioners from clinical psychology or related fields.

Absolutely! MIND SC values diversity and fosters a learning environment, making the partner program an ideal platform for career and personal development.

The target is set at 250 partners globally, fostering a robust network of professionals dedicated to advancing mental performance training.

To join as a partner, you'll invest 99€ monthly with a minimum commitment of two years. The first three months are complimentary, and you can cancel anytime after the two years.

No, partners operate independently, utilizing MIND SC tools and resources while working directly with their own clients.

Partners gain exclusive access to the virtual clubhouse, facilitating knowledge sharing, project collaboration, and access to exclusive offers and materials.

While we can't guarantee clients, we actively work on global offers and share them within our network, opening doors to potential opportunities.

The Impact program reflects our commitment to athlete well-being and community support, allocating funds to organizations caring for athletes' welfare and supporting sports causes, including initiatives like ocean-recycled plastic wristbands.

For any queries or partnership opportunities, don’t hesitate to contact our Partner Management team at partner@mindsc.com.