Welcome to the Club

Give your best athletes and teams mental superpower

Are you a team, club, or federation seeking to provide your athletes with top-tier mental training? Perhaps you once believed such training was only accessible to elite athletes, or you’re keen on collaborating with specialists who speak various languages.

Maybe you aim to educate coaches and stakeholders on the benefits of mental performance training to elevate your team’s level. If so, look no further—join us!

Here are three options we offer

Establishment of a dedicated mental gym, seamlessly integrated into your existing setup, with a team of assigned sports psychologists.

Personalized 1-on-1 coaching with leading global mental coaches for all your athletes.

Certificate courses tailored to your sport and diverse areas of interest, aiming to raise awareness and involvement across your entire ecosystem.

Explore more about our offers

The Mental Gym is a tailor-made program for clubs, federations, teams, and organizations. It’s for those who want top-notch mental training but might find it expensive to hire a sports psychologist on their own. Also, some prefer a variety of mental coaches because everyone’s needs are different.

Hendrik Lange, co-founder of MIND SC

Want to learn more?

Frequently Asked Questions

Mental performance training is a systematic approach to enhancing psychological skills such as focus, confidence, resilience, and emotional regulation to optimize athletic performance. It involves various techniques and strategies aimed at improving athletes' mindset and mental toughness.

Our programs are designed to benefit athletes, teams, clubs, and federations across various sports and competitive levels. Whether you're an individual athlete looking to enhance your mental game or a sports organization seeking to provide comprehensive mental training to your entire team, our programs can cater to your needs.


We offer tailored solutions that are specifically designed to meet the unique needs and goals of each client. Our programs are led by experienced sports psychologists and mental coaches who are experts in their field. Additionally, we provide flexible options, including personalized coaching, group sessions, and certificate courses, to accommodate different preferences and requirements.

Our mental gym program is seamlessly integrated into your organization's existing infrastructure, making it easy for athletes and coaches to access mental training resources. We work closely with organizations to customize the program according to their specific needs and requirements, ensuring a smooth transition and implementation process.


Yes, our programs are designed to be cost-effective and accessible to organizations of all sizes and budgets. We understand that mental training is often perceived as expensive, which is why we offer flexible options and customizable solutions to suit different financial constraints. Whether you're a small club or a large federation, we can work with you to develop a program that fits within your budgetary constraints.

Our personalized coaching sessions are conducted by leading global mental coaches who work closely with athletes to address their specific needs and goals. Whether you're struggling with performance anxiety, confidence issues, or concentration problems, our coaches can provide personalized guidance and support to help you overcome these challenges and unlock your full potential.

Our certificate courses are tailored to specific sports and areas of interest, providing participants with valuable knowledge and skills to enhance their understanding of mental performance training. By completing these courses, individuals can gain a deeper insight into the psychological aspects of sports performance and learn practical strategies to improve their mental game.

Our certificate courses are designed to educate coaches, stakeholders, and other members of the organization about the benefits of mental performance training. By offering these courses to a wide range of participants, organizations can create a culture of mental toughness and resilience, leading to improved performance and success across the board.