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Gianmichele Potito – Sport Mental Coach (International Sport Mental Coach Association & Global Professional Tennis Coach Association)

I an executive coach (working with managers and entrepreneurs), talent development and sport mental coach. I am an International Tennis Coach (C Level, aiming at B level in 2024) with the Global Professional Tennis Coach Association – ATP Certified. I have received a Sport Mental Coach Diploma (C level, aiming at B level in 2024) with the International Sport Mental Coach Association. I have done several courses with the International Tennis Federation Academy and I hold other certifications in coaching (e.g., Designing Talent – Boston).

Overall I worked and studied in Italy, UK, USA, Portugal, China, Germany. I live in Munich (Germany), while working internationally.

My sport mental coaching practice focuses on the athlete as a whole, considering the whole human being, finding his potential and talents to develop to face every competition circumstance the athlete is facing, with a learning spirit. Particular focus is on:

– Developing self-awareness on own motivation

– Control of thoughts

– Emotional regulation

– Strenghts & ability discovery

– Player learning path

– Mental conditioning & focus on improvements

– Recognize & manage pressure

– Match preparation: yourself, the opponent, the environment

– Post match analysis: behaviours, performance attitude, areas of work improvement





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